World of Warships, an acclaimed titan in the realm of massively multiplayer online games, is truly a force to be reckoned with. Crafted by the masterminds behind World of Tanks, this game had quite the legacy to uphold! So, if you're a fan of strategic battles and maritime adventures or want to play war games, World of Warships might just be your next port of call.
This free to play 3D games also crosses multiple genres, and it is both a realistic naval warfare simulator online game that allows you to pitch your skills in battle against other players. You will also have to exercise strategic thinking and time management skills, as you customize your ship to suit the battles ahead.
Last but not least, it is also a shooting game as you will have to both navigate your ship in choppy waters and fire at your enemies at range. It can be difficult to aim, but it is so satisfying when you sink the enemy ships. Trust us, we know how it feels after a long fight!