Unravel The Enigma of The Future and Decide The Destiny of The World in Family Mysteries: Echoes of Tomorrow

A Deep Narrative That Will Keep You On the Edge of Your Seat

4.1 Rating - 168 Votes

Plot-wise, it all starts with a nightmare. You are floating in an endless void, flashes of technological holograms flicker in and out. Your wife calls you, asking why you murdered her on your wedding anniversary. As you come to and wake up, you realize that you had fallen asleep mid-project in your office. Your wife is alive and well, and the anniversary is today! Using all sorts of gizmos from your office, you develop a state-of-the-art necklace as an anniversary gift.

To aid you not only now, but in our journey in general, is A.R.N.O.L.D., your very own artificial intelligence companion that travels with you inside your watch. As you set the table to have a lovely dinner with your wife, a flash of light envelopes both of you and a strange, familiar-looking man appears. Your wife suddenly falls unconscious and the man kidnaps you, demanding that you give him the watch. What follows is a frantic search for the truth, where nothing is what it seems and the closest allies might be the most cunning enemies.

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Published 18 April 2024

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